A corporate governance system based on the interaction between the Board of Directors and the Board of Auditors, both appointed by the Shareholders’ Meetings.
Banca Profilo has adopted a traditional governance model based on the interaction of two bodies appointed by the shareholders’ meeting:
– The Board of Directors.
– The Board of Auditors.
The corporate governance system adopted by the Bank complies with the regulations applicable to listed companies and with banking regulations and is inspired by the principles and criteria of the Self-Regulatory Code for Listed Companies promoted by Borsa Italiana.
Banca Profilo, being a bank listed on the Italian regulated market, qualifies as a company of
greater size or operational complexity for the purposes of the Bank of Italy’s Corporate Governance Provisions, set forth in Bank of Italy Circular 285/2013.
The corporate governance structure, in line with the chosen traditional administration and control model and in compliance with the statute, is based on the interaction of the following corporate bodies:
Shareholders’ Meeting, as the body representing the universality of shareholders;
Board of Directors, as the body on which the function of strategic supervision is hinged;
Chairman of the Board of Directors, as the person in charge of ensuring the smooth functioning of the Board, fostering intra-Board communication, the effective balance of powers and the taking of informed decisions also by non-executive Directors, in line with the duties involved in the organization of the Board of Directors’ work and the circulation of information provided for by Article 2381, paragraph 1 of the Italian Civil Code;
Board of Auditors, as the body on which the control function is hinged and which is responsible for supervising the functionality of the overall internal control system and ascertaining the effectiveness of all the structures and functions involved in the control system and their proper coordination;
Remuneration Committee, as the body responsible for verifying, examining and, if necessary, formulating proposals regarding remuneration and incentives;
Control and Risk Committee, as the body responsible for supporting the Board of Directors’ assessments and decisions relating to the internal control and risk management system and assessments relating to the approval of individual and consolidated financial statements. It also has duties and powers regarding transactions with related parties and/or subjects related to them;
Appointments Committee, as the body involved in the processes of (i) appointing and
co-opting Directors and heads of Control Functions, (ii) verifying the existence of the requisites for assuming office, (iii) self-assessment by the Board with reference to identifying the personnel to be used, (iv) defining succession plans for top executive positions or other positions, (v) identifying the target in terms of the proportion of the less represented gender;
Chief Executive Officer, who is responsible, , for the management function on the basis of the powers assigned by the Board of Directors. The Chief Executive Officer performs the functions of Director in charge of the internal control and risk management system pursuant to the Code;
General Manager, who represents the top of the internal structure and, as such, participates in the management function;
Supervisory Body pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/01, as the body with control functions pursuant to the Decree. Banca Profilo, in the board meeting of 19 December 2013, decided to comply with the relevant model proposed by the Bank of Italy, which foresees that the Board of Auditors shall be entrusted with Supervisory Board duties. This approach was subsequently implemented by Board resolution of 30 January 2014;
Manager in charge of preparing corporate accounting documents pursuant to Article 154-bis of the Consolidated Law on Finance, who is responsible for defining reliable and effective administrative and accounting procedures;
Auditing Company, which is responsible for the statutory audit of the accounts.
* For the dissemination and storage of Regulated Information, Banca Profilo S.p.A. has chosen to implement the 1INFO system (www.1info.it), managed by Computershare S.p.A. with registered offices in Milan
via Lorenzo Mascheroni 19 and authorized by CONSOB.
Without prejudice to its duties under the law and the Statute, the Board of Directors, as the strategic supervision body:
The Bank’s Board of Directors examines and pre-emptively approves any company transactions that do not fall within the tasks assigned to the Chief Executive Officer and/or the General Manager.
The number of Board of Directors’ members, as set forth in tahe Statute, may vary from a minimum of 9 to a maximum of 13 and must be adequate to the size and complexity of the Bank’s organizational structure in order to effectively oversee the Bank’s entire business activity in terms of management and controls, in line with the Optimal Quantitative Profile
that the Board of Directors will have previously determined.
The following table shows the composition of the Board of Directors as of 22.04.2021. The current Board of Directors will expire with the Shareholders’ Meeting held to approve financial statements as at 31.12.2023.
The Chairman of the Board of Directors performs a crucial function in guaranteeing the smooth functioning of the Board, fostering intra-Board communication, the effective balance of powers and the taking of informed decisions also by non-executive directors. He/she promotes the effective functioning of the corporate governance system, maintaining an impartial role in guaranteeing the smooth functioning of the Board and the circulation of information. He/she acts as interlocutor for the Board of Statutory Auditors and the intra-advisory Committees with which he/she exchanges information on an ongoing basis.
In order to perform his/her function effectively, the Chairman of the Board of Directors does not have an executive role.
The Chairman establishes the agenda of the Board of Directors, taking care that matters of strategic importance are given priority, coordinates its work and ensures that all Board members are provided with adequate information on the items on the agenda.
The Chairman of the Board of Directors ensures that Directors and Statutory Auditors can participate, after their appointment and during their term of office, in initiatives aimed at providing them with an adequate knowledge of the business sector in which the company operates, the company’s dynamics and their evolution, as well as the regulatory framework of reference.
The Chairman of the Board of Directors is the reference figure for the initiation of the Board’s self-assessment process and is responsible for identifying and enabling the figures involved in its operational implementation.
The Chief Executive Officer and the General Manager
The Board of Directors of the Bank has delegated its powers to a Chief Executive Officer, pursuant to Article 21 of the Statute, setting out his powers.
The Chief Executive Officer and General Manager, who is responsible for the management, perform all acts necessary to execute Board of Director resolutions.
The Chief Executive Officer ensures that the organizational, administrative and accounting structure is appropriate to the nature and size of the company and reports to the Board of Directors (i) on a monthly basis, at Board meetings, except as set forth in the following point (ii), by means of a standardized reporting schedule, on at least the following matters:
business and risk area performance, major projects, other relevant issues, also in reference to subsidiaries and (iii) quarterly, on the occasion of the approval of annual and infra-annual accounting statements, through the accounting documents (annual, half-yearly, quarterly) up for approval. In urgent cases, the Chief Executive Officer, with the favorable opinion of the Chairman of the Board of Directors, may take decisions that fall within the competence of the Board, except for matters reserved to the Board by law or by Statute.
The Chief Executive Officer can be qualified as the person primarily responsible for the management of the company. As of the date of the current Report, the interlocking directorate situation set forth by Application
Management Body
The Chief Executive Officer and the General Manager
The Board of Directors of the Bank has delegated its powers to a Chief Executive Officer, pursuant to Article 21 of the Statu
The Chief Executive Officer and General Manager, who is responsible for the management, perform all acts necessary to execute Board of Director resolutions.
The Chief Executive Officer ensures that the organizational, administrative and accounting structure is appropriate to the nature and size of the company and reports to the Board of Directors (i) on a monthly basis, at Board meetings, except as set forth in the following point (ii), by means of a standardized reporting schedule, on at least the following matters:
business and risk area performance, major projects, other relevant issues, also in reference to subsidiaries and (iii) quarterly, on the occasion of the approval of annual and infra-annual accounting statements, through the accounting documents (annual, half-yearly, quarterly) up for approval. In urgent cases, the Chief Executive Officer, with the favorable opinion of the Chairman of the Board of Directors, may take decisions that fall within the competence of the Board, except for matters reserved to the Board by law or by Statute.
The Chief Executive Officer can be qualified as the person primarily responsible for the management of the company. As of the date of the current Report, the interlocking directorate situation set forth by Application Criterion 2.C.5 of the Code does not apply, in that the Chief Executive Officer of Banca Profilo is not a director of another issuer that is not part of the Banca Profilo Banking Group, of which a director of Banca Profilo is the Chief Executive Officer.
Pursuant to Bank of Italy provisions on the Internal Control System, the Information System and Business Continuity, the Chief Executive Officer and General Manager, who is responsible for management, oversee the implementation of the strategic guidelines, the RAF and the risk governance policies defined by the Board of Directors and are responsible for adopting all necessary measures to ensure that the organization and the internal control system adhere to the principles and requirements of the relevant supervisory regulations, monitoring compliance on an ongoing basis. In reference to IT risk, the Chief Executive Officer is responsible for ensuring the completeness, adequacy, functionality (in terms of effectiveness and efficiency) and reliability of the information system. In relation to the responsibilities and tasks assigned in this area, the Chief Executive Officer possesses specific technical-managerial skills.
In compliance with the Bank of Italy’s Supervisory Provisions and the Corporate Governance Code for Listed Companies of Borsa Italiana (hereinafter also referred to as “CAD”), on 12 November 2009 and 10 May 2012, the Bank’s Board of Directors respectively set up the Remuneration Committee and the Control and Risk Committee, regulating their powers and function within the Board of Directors Regulation.
Subsequently, on 18.12.2014, it established the Appointments Committee and revised the powers of the Remuneration Committee and the Control and Risk Committee in line with the Bank of Italy’s Provisions on Corporate Governance, as set out in Circular 285/2013.
The intra-Board Committees have investigative, support and advisory functions in relation to the Board of Directors
The Committee meets whenever necessary to discuss matters within its sphere of competence.
The Remuneration Committee is composed only of independent Directors, pursuant to Article 37 of Consob Market Regulations for companies subject to management and coordination.
The Chairman of the Board of Directors and a Standing Auditor attend Committee meetings.
To be precise, the Remuneration Committee:
The members of the Committee were appointed for the period expiring with the approval of financial statements as at 31.12.2023, in coherence with the expiry of their respective terms of office.
The Committee is composed as follows (reference date: 29.04.2021)
The Control and Risk Committee is composed solely of independent Directors, pursuant to Article 37 of Consob Market Regulation for companies subject to management and coordination by others.
Control and Risk Committee meetings are attended – without voting rights – by the Chief Executive Officer, who also acts as the Director in Charge, and a Standing Auditor.
The Control and Risk Committee normally meets quarterly or whenever it is necessary to discuss matters that fall into its sphere of competence.
With reference to the internal control and risk management system, the Committee:
– identifies and proposes, with the contribution of the Appointments Committee, the heads of the corporate control functions to be appointed;
– pre-emptively examines the business programs (including the audit plan) and annual reports of the corporate control functions addressed to the Board of Directors;
– gives assessments and formulates opinions to the Board of Directors on compliance with the principles to which the internal control system and the corporate organization must conform and on compliance with the requirements that must characterize corporate control functions, bringing to the attention of the Board of Directors any weak points and the consequent corrective actions to be promoted; to this end, it assesses any proposals the Chief Executive Officer and the General Manager may have;
– contributes, by means of assessments and opinions, to defining the corporate policy for outsourcing corporate control functions
– verifies that the corporate control functions comply with the Board of Directors’ indications and guidelines and assists the Board in drafting and updating the coordination document required by Bank of Italy Circular No. 285/2013;
– assesses the correct use of accounting standards in the preparation of annual and consolidated financial statements and to this end, coordinates with the Manager in Charge of preparing the accounting documents and with the Board of Auditors;
– supports the Board of Directors (a) in defining and approving strategic guidelines and risk governance policies. Within the framework of the RAF, the Committee carries out evaluation and proposal activities in support of the Board of Directors; (b) in defining policies and processes for assessing business activities, including making sure that the price and conditions of transactions with clients are consistent with the business model and risk strategies;
– without prejudice to the responsibilities of the Remuneration Committee, the Control and Risk Committee ensures that the incentives
underlying the Bank’s remuneration and incentive system are consistent with the Group’s RAF;
– where deemed necessary and appropriate, requests ad hoc verifications from the Control Functions;
– upon request, advises on the assessment of transactions in conflict of interest;
– institutes matters at the request of the Director in Charge and the Heads of Control Functions;
– supports the Board of Directors in the annual assessment of the adequacy and effectiveness of the internal control and risk management system in terms of the characteristics of the business and the risk profile assumed; reports to the Board of Directors, at the time of approval of the annual financial report and on its own assessments of the adequacy of the internal control and risk management system;
– supports the Board of Directors in drafting the report on corporate governance in relation to the main features of the internal control and risk management system;
– supports the Board of Directors in assessing, after consulting the Board of Auditors, the results set forth by the statutory auditor in a letter of suggestions, and in the report on key issues arising from the statutory audit;
– reports to the Board of Directors, at the time of annual financial report approval, on activities carried out;
– identifies all the information flows that must be addressed to it with regard to risks (subject, format, frequency) and may access all relevant
corporate information, as well as interact directly with the corporate control functions;
– performs any further tasks that the Board of Directors may subsequently assign to it.
As far as operations with Related Parties and Connected Persons are concerned, in accordance with the provisions in force on the subject and the internal regulations in this regard, the Committee:
– expresses a non-binding and reasoned opinion on the Company’s interest in carrying out operations with related parties of Lesser Significance, as well as on the appropriateness and substantial correctness of the related conditions;
– with reference to operations with related parties of Greater Significance, (i) is involved in the negotiation and preliminary stages of the operations and has the right to request information from and/or make observations to the parties involved in the aforesaid stages; (ii) expresses a binding and reasoned opinion on the operation and in the Bank’s interest in carrying out the operation, as well as on the appropriateness and fairness of the related conditions.
The members of the Committee were appointed for the period expiring with the approval of financial statements as at 31.12.2023, in coherence with the expiry of their respective terms of office.
The current Control and Risk Committee is composed as follows (reference date: 29.04.2021):
The Appointments Committee consists solely of independent directors, pursuant to Article 37 of the Consob Market Regulation for companies subject to management and coordination.
The Appointments Committee meets whenever necessary to discuss matters that fall within its sphere of competence.
Committee meetings are attended by the Chairman of the Board of Directors and at least one member of the Board of Auditors. This is to ensure a proper exchange of information of mutual interest and coordination in the performance of their respective tasks.
The Appointments Committee supports the Board of Directors, the Chief Executive Officer
and General Manager in the following processes:
– the appointment or co-optation of Directors, taking into account the Supervisory Provisions on Corporate Governance regarding the composition of the Board of Directors and the optimal quali-quantitative profile, also in terms of the least represented gender;
– cooperation with the Control and Risk Committee in identifying and proposing the heads of corporate control functions to be appointed;
– self-assessment of the various bodies by proposing the personnel called upon to conduct this process in accordance with the provisions of the Board of Directors’ Internal Self-Assessment Rules;
– verification of the conditions required under Article 26 of the Consolidated Banking Act (honorableness, professionalism, independence);
– definition of succession plans to top executive positions (CEO and GM) or to other positions, as provided for by the regulations currently in force, including those regarding internal organizational.
The Appointments Committee also performs any additional tasks that the Board of Directors may subsequently assign to it.
The members of the Committee were appointed for the period expiring with the approval of financial statements as at 31.12.2023, in coherence with the expiry of their respective terms of office.
The current Appointments Committee is composed as follows (reference date: 29.04.2021):
In the traditional corporate governance system adopted by the Bank, the control function hinges on the Board of Auditors.
As a control body, the Board of Auditors monitors the completeness, adequacy, functionality and reliability of the entire system of internal controls and the Risk Appetite Framework.
In view of the plurality of corporate functions and structures that have control duties and responsibilities, this body is required to ascertain the effectiveness and adequacy of all the structures and functions involved in the control system, ensure their proper performance and adequate coordination and promote corrective actions for any shortcomings and irregularities detected.
The Board of Auditors is an integral part of the overall internal control system and performs the functions defined by Circular 285/2013; in particular, it supervises the functionality of the entire internal control system and ascertains the effectiveness of all structures and functions involved in the control system and their proper coordination.
The control body may make use of the company’s internal control structures and functions to carry out and direct its own audits and necessary checks. To this end, the aforementioned structures provide it with adequate information flows on a regular basis, as well as information on specific corporate situations or trends. Due to this close connection, the Board of Auditors is specifically consulted on decisions concerning the appointment of the heads of internal control functions (risk control, regulatory compliance, internal audit), the Head of Business Continuity and on defining the essential elements of the overall architecture of the control system (powers, responsibilities, resources, information flows, conflict of interest management).
Pursuant to Article 23 of the Statute, the Board of Auditors monitors compliance with the law, regulations and Statute articles, the proper administration, the adequacy of the Bank’s organizational and accounting structures, including the related information systems, and their actual functioning, as well as the financial reporting process, the effectiveness of the internal control, internal audit and risk management systems, the statutory audit of the annual and consolidated accounts, the independence of the legal auditing company.
Pursuant to the Statute, it is forbidden to hold offices in bodies other than the control bodies at other companies of the group, as well as at companies in which the Bank holds, even indirectly, a strategic stake.
The Board of Auditors coordinates and interacts on an ongoing basis with the auditing company in charge of the statutory audit, in accordance with formalized procedures.
The Bank’s current Board of Auditors was appointed by the Shareholders’ Meeting of 22 April 2021 and will remain in office until the approval of financial statements as at 31 December 2023. The Shareholders’ Meeting of 22.04.2021 appointed Gloria Marino as Statutory Auditor and confirmed Nicola Stabile as Chairman of the Board of Auditors.
The Bank has assigned the Board of Auditors with Supervisory Board functions in accordance with Legislative Decree 231/2001. The SB’s function is consistent with this approach.
The Supervisory Board is currently composed as follows:
Manager responsible for preparing the corporate accounting documents pursuant to article 154-bis of the TUF Joseph pen In compliance with the provisions of article 154-bis of the TUF, on 20 June 2007 the Bank appointed the “Manager in charge of preparing the corporate accounting documents”.
The Financial Reporting Manager is responsible for preparing adequate administrative and accounting procedures for the preparation of the financial statements and consolidated financial statements and any other communication of a financial nature, with the aim of guaranteeing the reliability and integrity of the accounting information The requirements established by the Articles of Association for the Financial Reporting Manager coincide with the professionalism requirements of the corporate representatives of the Banks.
The Articles of Association also envisage that the Board of Directors appoints the Financial Reporting Manager, subject to the obligatory opinion of the Board of Statutory Auditors. In carrying out his control function, the Financial Reporting Manager makes use of resources from the Administration Area and the Internal Audit function to carry out transversal tests that concern all the company procedures and areas where key controls have been identified and mapped. The Financial Reporting Manager is assigned an annual expenditure budget.
In light of the regulatory framework for listed companies determined by the entry into force of Legislative Decree 303/2006, on 27 April 2017, the Shareholders’ Meeting, at the proposal of the Board of Auditors, appointed Deloitte & Touche S.p.A. to audit the Bank’s annual financial statements and consolidated financial statements, to perform a limited audit of the consolidated half-yearly financial report and to verify that the company’s accounts are properly kept and that the operating events are correctly recorded in the accounting records for the financial years 2017 – 2025.
Responsable Compliance and Antiriciclaggio
Tel. 02 58408455
[email protected]
Responsable Risk Management
Tel. 02 58408269
[email protected]
Responsable Internal Audit
Tel. 02 58408337